Visiting Las Vegas in the Winter

I recently came back from a quick trip to Arizona and Las Vegas. It was one of the most incredible weeks I’ve ever spent, and it was definitely a much-needed vacation. Plus, visiting Las vegas during the winter time is such a different experience than visiting during warmer months. I’m not sure what it is… But Las Vegas in January is my favorite Las Vegas.

And before you ask: Yes, people were still half-naked walking down the strip in 30-40 degree weather. But hey, it’s Vegas.

I ate… a lot… during this trip… I easily gained 10 pounds (at least). But it was well worth it!

Just a hunk ‘o burnin’ (wax) 😉

This was one of the best trips I’ve taken. Between driving through the desert in Arizona and walking down the Las Vegas strip, I’ve never felt so alive.

I needed this trip to reset and step back from my life to look at it from a different perspective.

I left a piece of my soul there in the desert, and I can’t wait to go back. ❤️

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