New Mexico | Exploring Taos art community & driving through forest fires

new mexico hot air balloons

I love the desert. If you followed my journey through Arizona, you’d know just how healing the desert is to me. There’s just something about the warm tones, heat, sunshine, open spaces and prickly plants that makes my heart feel complete. And when I was in New Mexico, I experienced all of those feelings all over again. I explored the city of Taos, which is a beautiful artist community and I witnessed the devastating forest fires first-hand, which was terrifying and beautiful in its own right. I loved New Mexico, here are photos from my stay there.

new mexico new mexico

Driving through the deep forest and emerging to see rocky mountainsides and cliffs is one of my favorite things in the world. As a young girl, I remember driving into the woods with my birth father. We left the house around 4am, and I slept the whole way. When I woke, bright and beautiful rocky mountainsides would be the first thing I would see. To some, they’re just rocks, but to me, there are so many memories within nature. I hold it so near and dear to my heart.

new mexico hot air balloons taos new mexico taos new mexico taos new mexico

Exploring the artist community of Taos was absolutely beautiful. All the buildings in the town were historic adobe buildings, surrounded by art, flowers and delicious food on every corner. For lunch, I ate at the Alley Cantina, which is the city’s oldest building! It was built in the 16th century by the Pueblo Indians (yes, 16th century!). It was amazing. If you have a chance to visit, I highly recommend it for the great food and amazing history and culture 👍🏼

new mexico new mexico taos new mexico

new mexico sunset

Overall, my stay in New Mexico was full of downtime, lots of outdoor time and enjoying the sunshine. I slowed down a bit and caught up on a few books I’m reading, and thought a lot about my past, present and future. The desert always brings out the over-thinker in me, but it’s always constructive. 😊

Have you ever visited New Mexico or Taos?

11 responses to “New Mexico | Exploring Taos art community & driving through forest fires”

  1. Glad you enjoyed your time in Taos, Jasmine! I was hoping to get there when I was in New Mexico. However, I loved Santa Fe! They certainly have gorgeous weather out there 🙂


  2. Very nice Jasmine! I lived in Portales NM for a few years going to graduate school. It was a great gateway to other places really. We went to Santa Fe a number of times and Albuquerque. Were you able to make it to any of prehistoric sites or monuments like Bandelier? Are you going to get to Arizona? So many wondrous places in New Mexico and Arizona!! Love the pictures in your travel report!


    • Hi! Unfortunately, I was only there for a few short days, but I do plan on going back! And Arizona is definitely on my list. It’s one of my favorite states!


  3. Hello Jasmine. I enjoyed your article and photos.

    I was in NM recently. And I wrote three stories about the trip. You might like them. Needless to say, the stories are on my blog.
    Take care —
    Neil S.


  4. Hello. I commented earlier, but the comment seems to have never posted on your site. I’m trying again:

    Good story and pictures!

    I was in NM recently and had a fine time, just as you did. I came away with three stories that now are on my blog.
    Take care —

    Neil S.


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